Zoom screen recording
Zoom screen recording

For more information on the layout of Zoom during screen sharing: Adjusting screen view settings during a virtual meeting (Zoom Help Center).Webcam feeds, participant profile pictures and names When this setting is on, other UI windows, such as chat and participant list, that may be open on the screen will also appear when sharing and recording.If you want a polls window for the recording, you need to enable “Show Zoom windows during screen share” in the Zoom settings. The polls window is also interpreted as an interface window.The list of participants and the chat window do not appear in the recording.The participant list and chat windosw are not visible to participants during the session, even if screen sharing is on.

zoom screen recording

  • In principle, the windows (such as chat or participant list) of your Zoom meeting’s user interface do not appear to anyone else when sharing the screen or recording.
  • Zoom’s article how to manage participants in Zoom meeting Participant list, chat and polls The recommendations in this guide show you how to minimize the visibility of information from other participants. You can control what information from other participants or Zoom’s UI windows is displayed during the Zoom meeting or on recordings.

    zoom screen recording

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  • zoom screen recording

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    Zoom screen recording